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 We strive to build protection systems that are 

 inclusive, fair, transparent, and effective  

Legal Empowerment


Our legal empowerment programme addresses the root cause of a migrant/refugees’ vulnerability in their destination countries – their lack of legal status.




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We do this by conducting legal awareness campaigns, providing tailored legal assistance and representation before decision-makers, and assisting clients to navigate complex legal and/or administrative processes undertaken by governments, UN agencies etc. , and access protection services critical for post-displacement recovery and rehabilitation.

The organization also has a strong focus on reforming national policies and frameworks on legal aid, and undertakes capacity building of state and non-state actors to address the legal protection needs of the community. Further, it tracks and supports ongoing litigation in domestic courts on issues pertaining to rights of displaced communities.

Long Term solutions


We activate long-term solutions to forced migration situations by enabling migrants and refugees to realise their socio-economic rights.

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The organization works towards identifying pathways for durable solutions and linking migrants and refugees, through referral pathways, to domestic protection and integration avenues.

Further, we map opportunities for resettlements and alternative pathways and provide tailored assistance to access these processes, particularly to those who face heightened protection risks in their destination countries.

Network Building


MAP International's work seeks to strengthen the presence of and coordination amongst displaced communities and CSOs, so as to jointly advocate with policymakers.


The organization works towards strengthening community-led movements and building capacities of existing protection pathways and response mechanisms to address the gaps in assistance provided to displaced communities.

The organisation also works towards creation of democratic advocacy platforms which amplify voices of those displaced, and include diverse perspectives, so as to ensure that policy is rooted in ground realities.

Researcch & Advocacy


We aim to undertake rigorous multidisciplinary and policy-relevant research on the causes and consequences of forced migration across the Global South.


This is done to advocate for legal and socio-economic frameworks that are more welcoming of displaced persons; identify immediate challenges and gaps for both the local population and forced migrants, locate best practices and potentially replicable models, and formulate effective, innovative and meaningful solutions for sustainable coexistence.

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